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How Can Students Build a Professional Network While Completing an MBA Online?


Pursuing accelerated MBA programs opens doors to new professional opportunities. Along with honing leadership skills and business acumen, students utilize online tools and campus resources to expand their networks. This grows the pool of contacts students can leverage when job-seeking or advancing their current careers. Here are some ways students can build a professional network while completing their online MBA:

Connect with University Career Centers

Online learners have access to university-sponsored career fairs, mentor programs, alumni groups, and job boards. Students in online programs can check in with campus career centers and build relationships with career counselors. This allows them to receive notifications about networking events, recruiter visits, and job postings relevant to their goals. Counselors may also coach students on tailoring resumes and LinkedIn profiles to catch employers’ attention.

Attend Virtual Industry Panels and Fireside Chats

Many industry leaders participate in university-hosted panel discussions broadcast online for students’ benefit. Attending virtual talks allows online MBA students to gain insider perspectives on thriving career paths and network with influential executives. Students can pose questions about mentorship opportunities or other avenues for connecting. Conversations may spark ideas about companies to target for internships or post-graduation job searches.

Schedule Meetings with Professors

Online platforms make it easy for remote students to schedule video calls with professors. Students can book time to discuss academic goals and industry trends. These meetings build relationships with professors who often become networking contacts.

Professors have extensive professional networks stemming from research collaborations, corporate partnerships, and former students. They may connect online MBA students with alumni working in fields of interest or encourage informational interviews to offer career advice. A professor may also be the first to hear about new opportunities through their professional network and can recommend these to students.

Request Introductions to Alumni in Leadership Roles

Connecting with graduates who now hold executive positions or work in management might fast-track online MBA students into target companies. Online career portals often provide access to university alumni databases that are searchable by employer, job title, and industry. Students can request casual conservations to hear alumni stories or ask for insights about succeeding in relevant roles and organizational cultures. Maintaining alumni relationships after graduation continues to pay networking dividends throughout students’ careers.

Join Relevant Online Student Organizations

Clubs catering to online students’ academic interests forge bonds with like-minded peers that may serve as valuable future industry contacts. General business clubs, along with groups focused on healthcare, technology, or sustainability issues, allow members to share articles, discuss trends, and hear speaker presentations. Meeting fellow club members with common career aspirations teaches the soft skills needed to network with top professionals post-graduation.

Comment and Share on LinkedIn

Students should nurture their LinkedIn presence by posting content that spotlights thought leadership. Commenting on trending industry news items or sharing insightful articles allows students to interact with working professionals. Students can also request informational interviews to pick veterans’ brains. Digital connections get students noticed and on the radars of decision-makers with influence over coveted jobs or internships.

Embrace Conferences Hosted by Target Companies

Industry conferences often incorporate networking opportunities like mixers, luncheons, and breakout information sessions. Students pursuing accelerated MBA programs can research events hosted by dream employers. Attending conferences allows students to introduce themselves to key players at organizations that align with their career goals. Conversational elevator rides with executives get students’ faces and names circulating among relevant insiders.

Engage With Campus Recruitment Teams

When online MBA students’ schedules allow, traveling to the university’s physical campus opens networking doors. Set up in-person meetings with career center counselors to polish resumes and practice video interview skills. Visiting campus during annual job fairs also enables students to engage recruiters from desirable regional or national companies they may one day target for employment.

Invest in Accelerated MBA Programs Today

An accelerated MBA program offers students opportunities to connect, collaborate, and access guidance. These connections help students tap into unadvertised job opportunities, gain insider perspectives on industries, and identify emerging roles. Building a network is a valuable career development asset. Apply for an MBA today and establish professional networks.

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